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Process Information

In this section you can see all running application (processes) in your Windows system. As addition, this tool also let you change the priority for each application.

Why do you want to change application's priority?

In most cases, giving a high priority to an application will increase it's performance greatly.  

Please note:

  1. For optimal performance, you should only set high priority setting for one application at one time.
  2. Some games will have a problem when running in high priority. 

How to change application's priority?

Select an application and click "Set Priority" button to set the priority setting. There are three options for the priority setting.

1) Idle priority - Specify this class for a program whose threads run only when the system is idle. 

2) Normal priority - Specify this class for a program with no special scheduling needs (default).

3) High priority - Specify this class for a program that performs time-critical tasks that must be executed immediately.